life update (i'm back!) + wrap up

Hi, I'm Miya.

If you're not new here, you might have realized that it's been a while since my last post. In fact, this is the first time I click the publish button this month. But why the hiatus?

Well, the short answer is life got in the way. The longish one is this:

*this is my bullet journal's august spread, by the way*

I have moved to another apartment closer to my sister's university and for some godforsaken reason, we couldn't get wifi or cable TV in the new place. I still don't know why exactly, but after innumerous frustrating calls with the company, we finally set everything up. The no-wifi issue is the main cause of my hiatus, actually. I hadn't realized how much I'm depended on it until I was denied for over 20 days.

That aside, I also had some problems with my student visa, which, to my absolute despair, still isn't in my hands. I've sent so many documents over the mail and paid so many taxes already that if I don't get approved for the visa, I'll go insane. One would think that getting into a university abroad and then getting a fricking scholarship would be the hard part, right? Well, not so much. 

Anyway, let's move over to the happy things.

I received my first ko-fi ever! I literally screamed with joy. If you don't know, I'm trying to raise enough money to buy myself a personal laptop for school and absolutely every penny I get (through ko-fi or my shop) is a huge help.

Speaking of my shop, I've also seen an increase in sales, which makes me so damn proud. In my shop, I make everything available for free (because not everyone can afford some of the products I make) but in a 'pay what you want' style. Every time I see someone has paid for something I did it just feels me with joy.

In the time I've been gone, I noticed an incredible growth in my Pinterest statistics, which is just incredible to me. Nowadays, Pinterest alone is responsible for over 60% of my blog's page views, and witnessing the growth is mind-blowing.

Oh, and I started a bookstagram and an art Instagram! I'm still very new at social media (with the exception of Twitter, of course) so bear with me. But it's been awesome the process of learning to take pictures (yes, I'm still learning).

Concerning my art Instagram, I've received an overwhelmingly good response as well, and it's been great, For the longest time, I've been too embarrassed to show people my artwork and having people enjoying it just makes me so happy (and relieved).

blog tours
If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably noticed that I've been freaking out lately about blog tours. The reason, actually, is these two companies Caffeine Tours and Colored Pages Tours. Both of them are run by POCs and/or international bloggers and are committed to getting #ownvoices ARCs in the hands of #ownvoices and international bloggers. Because of them, I have the honor to participate in the following book tours:

  • We Are Not Free by Traci Chen
  • Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro
  • Furia by Yamile Saied Méndez
  • These Violent Delights by Chloe Cong

I'm so excited! Stay tuned for reviews + extra posts about them.

I opened commissions! I ran polls on both my Instagram and my twitter account and the unanimous response was: I should do it. Plus, I could really use the money for, as stated before, buying a personal computer for university in the fall.

So, after coming up with pricing, the graphics, and the logistics for it, I can finally say I'm open for business. If you're interested, here`s the information you should now.

And don't hesitate to send me an email ( or comment (or DM) with any questions regarding the commissions. Oh, and don't worry, I intend to post a very detailed post with a how-to-order tutorial as soon as possible!

Thank you so much for bearing with me,

May August treat us all kindly.

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