about me
Welcome to my little messy corner of a blog! I'm Miya (she/her), an 18-year-old Asian Latina currently based in Brazil (but not for long, tho) who loves books (so much!), wishes to become a filmmaker someday (hopefully) and has a huge variety of hobbies (I'll be addressing them in here, probably).
In too much miya, you'll see:
- book reviews (and recommendations)
- language learning tips and whatnot (I'm a polyglot!)
- film rants (and also some recs)
- tips about studying/living abroad!
- and more!
languages I speak
- Portuguese
- English
- Spanish
- French (really bad)
- Japanese (also pretty bad)
- Italian (studying just for fun, because I legit suck at it)
where to find me
Jules's bookshelf: read
shit that was 'bad'. like cringeworthy. and sooo repetitive. and straight. and white (even though the love interest is biracial).
tiana smith desperately needs to take some classes with maurene goo in how to write cliches without being...