Guest post: 3 Simple Apps that I use to plan and organize my blog posts @behindthatstory
Hello everyone! Today's post will be a bit different. Me and Val, from Behind That Story, are doing a blog swap, meaning that this post is written by her! And for her blog, I wrote a book review of An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson (be sure to check it out later!.
I’m sure that many (if not all) of you know every single app I’m about to mention in this list. Sooo... this post is more about HOW I use these apps and how they help me stay organized with my blog.
I’m sure that many (if not all) of you know every single app I’m about to mention in this list. Sooo... this post is more about HOW I use these apps and how they help me stay organized with my blog.
Let’s begin!
I use the “calendar” template and fill it in with blog post titles. These are blog posts that I want to write that month or week. Of course, not every single day will have a title. For example, I normally post on Wednesdays and Saturdays so I’ll write down a blog post title for those days.
The thing about an Editorial Calendar is that you will not start from zero when you write a post. You will not need to come up with a new idea or spend hours on Pinterest to get inspiration because you will already know what you want to talk about!
Also, these titles could just be ideas/concepts so that you can start writing. In my case, most of the time these titles that I write down will not be the ones that I will use in the final/published post.

This helps me keep track of what type of posts I’ve been uploading and see which ones I need to write more of. For example, last month I barely read any book so I wrote 0 posts that were added to the ‘book reviews’ category. With this info, I can see that I should add more book reviews this month.
Google Docs- to write blog posts + drop-down ideas
I don’t write ANY blog posts directly in WordPress. Why? Because what if something happens to my blog and I loose all of my posts AND the backup doesn’t work?
I actually had to change my initial hosting platform because the post that I was publishing over and over again was being deleted every time I was refreshing the page. AND I could not respond to ANY of the comments. Basically, none of my new posts were being saved.
The good thing about this is that I had these new blog posts saved on google docs cause that’s where I wrote them down first. So... I highly recommend writing down or saving your posts somewhere else apart from WordPress, Wix, Blogger, etc.
Also, I have a single google docs where I drop down ideas that I come up with (sometimes randomly). By doing this, I can come back to this document if I don’t know what to write about.
When I’m not using my laptop and I come up with an idea for a blog post, I use Notes (from iOS) to write it down. Also, sometimes I drop down key points that I should include on a post. This is gonna sound weird, but I use Notes to also set up reminders (instead of using the ‘Reminders’ app hehe).
I also use a physical journal to set goals and to-dos for the month. This is more for technical stuff like “download plugin x” or “add social media buttons to home page”. (Using a journal ONLY for your blog is very useful)
I always go for simple apps because complicated tech stuff is not my thing. I’m not a designer or a perfectionist but I like to keep things organized in a visual and simple-to-use way.
So yeah! These are my top 3 choices for simple apps that I use to plan and organize my blog posts! I hope this post was in any way useful for you :)
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